Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is Agni?? - Part 3

I repeat the statement I made in my previous blog- “all matter tends towards zero(lower) potential naturally”. This is the rule of entrainment.

In our previous blog, we have looked at a relatively macro perspective, in which we individualized an individual and gave him a collective frequency so as to understand the role and the generality of Jatharagni in converting all that did not match his collective frequency to that which did. Dhatvagni, being more subtle and being included in sukshma pachana(subtle digestion), needs to be understood by dropping the generality and going into detailed specifics of each tissue.

The food that was converted to our collective frequency is now in the form of “ahara rasa”. And from here, we will start our journey of watching it being converted to tissues.

Now, a very important concept is to be understood before moving any further.

Every cell has its own frequency, participates in the collective frequency of the cellular system, participates in the frequency of the tissue, the tissue system, the organ, the organism, and eventually in the universe. Thus every cell functions at all these levels.

 For example, an animal cell present in the kidney and the lung, both work firstly to sustain themselves, which is more or less the same, but when they function to support the kidney and the lung, their work starts differing.
This intelligence of each and every cell and their knowledge of the role they are supposed to play according to their position etc. is universal. We call this universal intelligence as “Mahat tattva”.

Thus, here we see that the cell of the kidney and that of the lung vibrate at a different frequency, even though they appear to be the same structurally. Thus there is always an individualization that is present in every cell and tissue of the body.

Now we will take separate individualizations of each tissues as we know now after so much discussion that each tissue has its own frequency and works in its own way.

The frequency rises gradually from ahara rasa to rasa dhatu to rakta dhatu to mamsa dhatu, etc up to shukra dhatu which has the highest frequency of physical tissues, but sukshma tissues like oja are still higher. The concept of oja will not be touched upon in this series of blogs. (I could write about it later in another blog if you want me to). Therefore, the frequency of ahara rasa as we know, is less than that of rasa dhatu.

Dhatvagni is nothing but the strength of collective processes of entrainment, digestion and conversion of one tissue (or ahara rasa) into another. As each tissue has its individualized frequency, thus, each tissue has to have its own agni. The entrainment that occurs here is passive conversion(refer to previous blog), but active conversion can also take place in case of spiritual, delta and deep delta healing and energy supply where it will take the help of prana and not of chemical enzymes and juices as seen in jatharagni. Now that we know what exactly dhatvagni is, let us understand how it acts.

Ahara rasa in converted into the 7 tissues by two ways:

1. Direct contact entrainment: This is like a just like jumping from standard 1 to standard 6. Here the ahara rasa gets converted to all the dhatus directly. The time taken for completion of entrainment varies here. The time taken for ahara ras to be converted to rakta dhatu is less comparatively, which is round about 2nd day, and for it to be entrained to shukra dhatu, takes about 7-8 days. Hence, here the ahara rasa directly forms the dhatus through entrainment and the time taken in directly proportional to the difference of frequency between the dhatu and ahara rasa. This is generally seen in “Aushadha dravyas” and this is the exact reason so as to why it acts faster than ahara dravya. “Khale-kapot nyaya” refers to this process of direct contact entrainment.

2. Step-up entrainment: Here, the dhatus are formed one after the other in a proper sequence starting with rasa dhatu and ending with shukra dhatu. The time taken for this step-up entrainment varies depending upon dhatus. For each dhatu, the time taken increases by about five days after digestion, which means that for shukra dhatu, it will take around 30 days. The amount and level of conversion depends upon the purity of the ahara rasa and its “patrata” or its capacity to be converted into higher frequencies. This is generally seen in “Ahara dravyas

Depending on its capacity, it is of 2 types

a.  Complete Step-up entrainment:- Here the complete ahara rasa gets converted into rasa dhatu, the complete rasa dhatu to rakta dhatu and so on until the complete ahara rasa is converted to shukra dhatu and eventually oja. This is very very rare and only occurs in ideal states. “Ksheer Dadhi nyaya” is based on this exact concept of partial step-up entrainment.

b. Partial Step-up entrainment:- Here, only the pure part of the previous dhatu, that means only that part of the dhatu capable of gaining higher frequency, entrains with the next dhatu and converts itself whereas the other impure parts do not. Here the ahara rasa gets converted into rasa dhatu by entrainment with the contact of the rasa dhatu. Once it equals the frequency of rasa dhatu, hence becomes the rasa dhatu. Now this rasa dhatu comes in contact with rakta dhatu and slowly and naturally, the best portion or the portion that is pure enough for further entrainment goes on to be converted into rakta dhatu, here again it comes in contact with mamsa dhatu and the purer part of rakta dhatu which is capable for higher conversions starts entraining with mamsa dhatu and the process goes on until shukra dhatu is reached after which the process does go on, but gross tissues are not formed but subtle elements like oja are formed. The part that is pure enough to be further entrained and move to higher dhatus is known as poshaka part of dhatu in classical terms and the one that cannot go any further is known as poshya part of dhatu. This “poshya and poshaka” concept does not and can not go beyond partial step-up entrainment and is limited to only this concept. “Kedari Kulya nyaya” refers to this form on conversion of tissues.

As Dhatvagni is a passive entrainment and not an active one (excluding spiritual, delta and deep delta healings), it is a constant as long as the dhatus remain constant. Hence this agni is dependent totally upon the saarata(purity) of dhatus.

I have got some suggestions of making it more interesting. I do not know how to go about making quantum physics interesting, but I have tried using features like Bold, italics and underlining to good use.

I have also tried very hard to try and relate my blog to classical ayurvedic terms and not run away with only explaining it only in terms of quantum physics as I was alleged of doing. 

I do not know how much has paid off and how much is still not clear. Here I have touched upon the concept of dhatvagni. Let me repeat that whatever is written is only an attempt to explain my interpretation which may or may not be correct. The next blog will be of the very important, but less spoken of concept of Bhootagni and the relation and manipulation (usage) of Agni in ancient sciences of tantra spirituality etc.

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